Face – harmonisation and rejuvenation

A facelift can result in a permanent rejuvenating effect of ten to fifteen years. As needed, the forehead and eye area, the cheeks and the neck can be treated individually, or two or even all three areas of the face can be treated in combination. Endoscopic lifting makes wonderful results possible using key-hole surgery. Eyelid corrections are often carried out in combination with face lifting.
Face lifting with scar-sparing technology:
SMAS, MACS, Presto, subperiosteal
endoscopic face lifting without a long incision only endoscopically
minimally invasive forehead and cheek lifting
Subperiosteal forehead lift
Full-face lifting
Forehead lift – temple lift
Eyebrow raising – cheek raising
Cheek- and neck correction and tightening
Correction of neck musculature, correction of platysma diastasis
Correction of platysma bands – tightening the platysma muscle
Double-chin correction – double-chin suctioning
Bichectomia – cheek defatting or buccal fat removal
Canthoplasty (raising eye angles)
Corner of mouth lifting – smile lifting
Face lifting correction
Correction of facial paralysis – Romberg syndrome
Eyelid corrections and follow-up corrections
Upper eyelid correction – lower eyelid plasty – blepharoplasty – cat eyes
Lower eyelid correction, lagophthalmos, canthoplasty, cat eyes
Occidentalisation of eyelids, Asiatic eyes
Correction of eyelid plasty
Cheeks – malar bone – zygomatic arch – correction
Cheek buildup, cheek enlargement, cheek lifting, cheek implants
Nose corrections of all types
Open rhinoplasty, closed rhinoplasty, functional rhinoplasty
Combined functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty
Combined functional and aesthetic nose plasty
Nasal hump removal, nose tip shaping, saddle nose
Supra-tip, nose tip raising
Nose shortening, nose reduction, nose wing reduction
Nostril reduction, nose follow-up correction
Ethnic nose correction – Asiatic nose, Negroid nose
Raising the nose tip, nasal bridge and nostrils reduction
Deviated septum correction – treatment of rhinophyma
Nose reconstruction, partial or total, also after tumours
Eyelid and nose correction (“face-occidentalisation”)
Correction of nose correction, also for lip-jaw palate cleft
Chin correction and jaw correction
Chin enlargement – chin implants and chin extension
Jawbone spreading – jawbone and chin spreading per Stallone
Ear and earlobe – correction
Auricle correction – ear appendage – hanging ear correction – ear reduction – ear reconstruction
Earlobe correction – ear lobe reduction – earlobe-orifice correction
Ear positioning for protruding ears – ear reduction
Profile plastic surgery (ear-, nose-, chin correction or harmonisation)
Lip corrections of all types
Lip correction, lip scar correction, lip buildup
Lip shortening, lip redness shaping,
Closure of cleft lip also in newborns
Correction of cleft lip-jaw-palate
Follow-up correction of corrected cleft lip-jaw-palate
Closure of nose-mouth-palate-fistula, oronasal fistula
Smile-mouth lifting – correction of gingival smile
For Down syndrome – eye correction, tongue narrowing